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Rigid Cell, Box Style, Cartridge Air Filters
Rigid Cell, Box Style and Cartridge Air Filters all refer to the same general product category – medium to high efficiency air filters with increased dust holding capacity in a durable frame. These filters can be used as a final filter in HVAC systems that require a high level of cleanliness and efficiency, or as a pre-filter for HEPA filters in demanding environments. When compared to a bag filter, the media is adhesively bonded to all four sides of the solid frame, eliminating bypass and dust particle unloading downstream of the filter. Cartridge filters generally refer to box-style filters with additional pleat media, which results in the greatest dust-holding capacity.
The rigid cell, box style orcartridge filter is a good option for air flow applications that demand a more efficient, long lasting product without a costly modification to existing HVAC equipment. Due to the additional media, these products can also handle variable air volume without effecting the performance of the filter. Our filters are available in both fiberglass and synthetic medias to provide an appropriate price point for all operating environments and price points, and our team can work with your specific application to ensure that your filter is appropriately matched to the environment.
Efficiency: MERV 11, MERV 13, MERV 15
Media: 100% Synthetic – does not support microbial growth, Fiberglass, Microfiber
Construction Materials: Metal Grid for Media Support, Plastic Separators, Corrugated Aluminum Separators, Bonding Agent, Galvanized Steel Frame, Media
Flow Rate: 500-2000 CFM
Standard Depths of 6″ and 12″ Nominal
Various Standard Frame Sizes Available